WHO's WHO of rec.food.cooking
The Album
LA Cook-In Pictures by JB and Mimi Hiller
LA Cook-In Pictures by Jamie Utter
And now, the new and improved listings (sorted alphabetically by current pseudo).
Angelique, Angelique
email | website
Current location: Mesa, Arizona (in the Phoenix area)
I am a wife and mother who loves to cook and entertain. I'm also
interested in wine. Other interests are dance (I'm a dance teacher,)
classical music, jazz, and r&b (I'm an r&b singer and I'm learning funk
guitar.) My latest interest is pottery painting. It's so relaxing, and it's
useful, too! I welcome mail from everyone, especially Phoenicians.
Matthew Takeda, Computer Lab, the JOAT
email | email | email | home page
Age: According to the test someone just e-mailed to me, "older than dirt"
Fairfield/Suisun City California
I'm a 3rd generation Japanese-American. I've lurked in rfc for
several years, but have only posted consistently since 1998. I've cooked for
as long as I can remember, did a year at a culinary academy back in the
'70s, worked as a fry-cook (back in college), and have managed a steakhouse
and a yogurt shop. Currently, I'm a technical writer/illustrator in downtown San Francisco
(where there are hundreds of restaurants and cafes within a few blocks).
I've also been a programmer, LAN administrator, systems analyst,
communications engineer (US Navy SATCOM), keno writer, blackjack dealer,
bartender, magician, and dental lab tech.
Denise Robinson, Denise, Dextra, DexBrat, Lisa Elliot
email | personal page
29 for the first time 12/99, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada- eh!
Born in Prince Edward Island, and proud to be a spud- my first non-cereal food was mashed lobster! Almost thirty years later, I'm happily married with two kids on a 200-acre farm halfway between Ottawa and Montreal with a craving for decent crustaceans. The only royalty I have in my family (waves at the Tabouli Princess) is my father-in-law, the BBQ King. I'm a newbie on rfc, but thanks to the newsgroup, I was able to find names for Indian spices, and now I have two cases of delicious chutney to share!
Ranee Mueller, screen name is r n r
e-mail | family webpage | recipe section
Age: 23
Location: Erstwhile Pacific Northwesterner in Tulsa, OK
Bio: i've been reading rfc off and on for about 5 years. i love cooking,
and am working on a cookbook. my parents are from saudi arabia, so not
surprisingly, i make a lot of arabic food. my husband reaps the benefits of my
experiments as well as my standards and he is a very willing test subject.
we've been happily married for almost 3 years, and we have a son, born last
Leila A. Tabbouli Princess
email | home page
Novelist-in-training living in Berkeley, California's "Gourmet Ghetto". Half Lebanese, half Southern (US). Hereditary title descended from father, Tabbouli King of North Carolina. Mother's title: The Spoonbread Queen. I favor simple wholesome food with a Mediterranean influence, although if you serve me other ethnic dishes I will devour them with pleasure. Will bake when inspired. Happily married to a software engineer/musician; first child due January 2000. Never show me a tabbouli recipe with chickpeas, red peppers, feta cheese or other spurious additions!
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