The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project
a new stat in the mix
"Hey, why are all the big guys really strong, and all the scrawny
guys are wimps?"
"Uh... Cuz thems the rules?"
"I want a fat wimp!"
"I want a Thai Kick-Boxer, those little guys who kick the shit out
of everyone and everything!"
"I just wanna play CyberPunk...."
- Thanks to Eggo von Eggo
Strength is effectively the stat that controls how much muscular power you can exert, whereas
Body indicates your physical size and stamina. For character creation, increase the number
of points allotted to your character by 1/9th. In my game we run 65 point characters, so with
Strength added we have 72 point characters. (65 points over 9 stats is a 7.222 average, 72
points over 10 stats is a 7.2 average... a 0.022 difference).

Strength (STR)
Body (BOD)
- Adds for HTH damage
- Determines Carrying Cap
- 2/3 Used for firearms minimum BOD
- Provides BTM & Save number
- Determines height / weight
- 1/3 Used for firearms minimum BOD
Cyberware |
- Grafted Muscle (both)
- Armor Weave (both)
- Muscle Augmentation
- Grafted Muscle (both)
- Armor Weave (both)
- Bone Lacing (sort of)
New Tech
- Bone Lacing:
- By lacing the skeleton with lattice chains of plastics and metals, this combination of
nanotech and replacement surgery increases the bone's tensile strength and integrity. Lacing
will add to the character's weight (5kg for plastic, 10kg for aluminium, and 15kg for
titanium lacing). Unarmed blows are at St+1 for Plastic, +2 for
Aluminium and +3 for titanium. Also, bone breakage is almost unheard of for people with
lacing. This effectively increases the person's BTM. Note that Aluminium and Titanium
lacing shows up on metal detectors.
Plastic: +0BTM, +1dam, HL:1 $400.00 (N)
Aluminium: +1BTM, +2dam, HL:D3 $1000.00 (M)
Titanium: +2BTM, +3dam, HL:D6+1 $2000.00 (M)
- Muscle Augmentation:
- Previously known as muscle lacing, by weaving in Kevlar-like materials to the musculature,
performance can be increased drastically. Each level of Muscle Augmentation adds 1 to Strength
and .5 to MA. Current tech limits Augmentation to 2 levels.
$700.00 per level HI:D3 per level (M)