The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

M O T O R I Z E D   M A Y H E M
Scenes for Punks on Wheels

--+ 1 - Sister Mary Motorist (The Flying Nun)
En route to wherever they may be heading, a large blue Lincoln SUV driving in the opposide direction suddenly swerves, rolls up onto a NAM Crowder, momentarily lurches through the air before slamming into the PC's ride. Sister Mary Motorist (the nun at the wheel) just took a potshot from a quick-witted and trigger-happy satanist on the sidewalk (Difficulty 25 Awareness roll to notice the origin of the shot). The 12mm round blew clean through her windshield and decapitated her dashboard deity. Startled, she lost control of her 2008 Lincoln SUV and is now flying towards the PC's set of wheels... on her side... in mid air. (Difficulty 25 Drive roll to avoid her, Difficulty 30 if the PCs are currently stopped at a red light, roadblock or other delay). She is not insured, so her order will have to be sued to recoup the damages incurred.
--+ 2 - Surf's Up!
As the Players pull up at a stop light, a Difficulty 20 Awareness roll will notice a comotion behind them. Riding the white line through the locked-down traffic are four Blade-Punks in brilliant coloured SP:16 Crash Gear with SP:20 helmets. As they tear past, they lob brilliant dayglo paint grenades into the stopped traffic, including the PC's wheels.
--+ 3 - Gridlock, It's not an event, It's a Lifestyle!
The Players get caught in Gridlock. At first it's just an irritation, but they realise it's going to be serious when the Honda Lettra in front of them begins to unpack a set of four portable showers and the Strip vendors begin to circulate in and out of traffic without fear... It should be over in 2d6-1 Hours, and if they abbandon their wheels here it won't be impounded, it will be stripped.
--+ 4 - Ye Olde Stagecoach Routine
Billy Rage has a few hot chips he snagged off a street merchant on the strip. The merchant (Micheal Dion, who will constantly remind people that he is related to Celine Dion, his third cousin once removed) peddles his wares from a moped and has followed Billy this far after Billy climbed on the back of a big rig. Billy decides the Players' ride is better tha the rig for whatever reason (better paint job, faster moving, Billy just happens to like metrocars or whatever they are driving), and has JUST jumped on their roof (Difficulty 10 Awareness roll to notice him land). The chase continues with Micheal hot on his tail screaming his damn fool head off (good thing Billy isn't the kind of guy to start shooting in public). Billy has a cyberarm with Winch, a Sternmeyer T-35 automatic with double-capacity magazine of API ammo, SP:10 red leather pants and four +3 chips he just stole from Micheal Dion, who is persuing with a Drive + Ref of 13.
--+ 5 - Five-Oh RoadBlock
Frag! It's a Police blockade ahead, and unless the players make a Difficulty 22 Awareness roll, they've already passed the last side-street to avoid it. This should get any group of PCs REAL antsy, real quick. Luckily the police aren't even going to look INSIDE the car at all, they are spot-hecking for illegal petroleum-burning autos.
--+ 6 - Drag Racer
Joe Brown pulls up beside the PCs in a vehicle of similar make and model. His windows are down and his bass in pumpin'! He revs his engine a ew times to demonstrate his desire to drag. At first rolls will be Difficulty 15, but will climb to 20 and then 25. Fumbles will result in horrific car crashes, explosions and flying debris, failures in falling behind, and failures by 8 or more points wil result in sideswipes with other vehicles & buildings or collisions with mailboxes, newstands and sushi carts. Jeo Brown is cyberlinked to his car with Low Impedence plugs (+3 to drive) and has Ref + Drive 17. If the PCs put on a good race, they could easily make friends with this adrenaline junky EBM corporate.