The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

So I got bored one day at work and worked through this "Future History" of a combat drug. A lot of synthetic and custom-designed drugs have a history behind them, one of use with animals, in the medical field or just a lab experiment gone wrong and the results then being refined or mixed with other drugs to make them more "palatable" to the average user. In this case I took up the cause of a drug I had created for my NPCs called Psycho X, a very effective combat drug, and decided to trace it's history and previous incarnations as a nasty plague on the history of drug manufacture...
The bottom of the article has the rules for all these drugs using my drug system, but listing their full effects in game terms so anyone can use them, no matter what drug system you are using (but you may have to adjust the price upwards a bit using Ocelot's system and a LOT if you use the normal drug system from CP2020)
Psycho is the West Coast and Mexican street name of one of the world's first series of combat drugs. Initially created and quietly marketed to third-world militaries by the orbital Tupolev I.G., Psycho's formula was originally based on the same combination of nasty chemicals and the extract of an amazonian fungus that created the Black Lace prototypes.
The first incarnation of Psycho to make out of the Tupolev orbital labs was used by Mexican national troops during the Central American Conflict, and although the stories of these drug-crazed soldiers were told and retold by the Central American vets, the actual drug was far worse than they knew, as many of the troops that had received a Psycho injection never made it to the battlefield. The composition of the drug was discovered by a few army medics on both sides of the fighting, and someone made the bad decision to sell it to a mexican drug lab. To this day there are bad-to-worse variants of Psycho 1 (known as Mexican Psycho) available in various black markets in Mexico, Panama and California.
The first truly maektable Psycho variant (Psycho 6), shows it's roots as a "First Generation" combat drug - while it does whip troops into a violent frenzy and makes them immune to pain, it causes both brain and motor-control damage (as well as internal bleeding, clotting and hemorraging, and a bunch of other fun effects). It also got a nasty reputation very quickly on the streets because of a coincidence involving it's release in 2013. At the same time as Psycho was becoming available, Synthcoke had become very cheap and very popular on the West Coast, and it was quickly discovered that in combination with even minute quantities of cocaine-analogs Psycho 6 was Potentiated a hundred-fold and became a deadly toxin.
One rogue Biotechnica lab in Las Vegas, with considerable experimentation, finally managed a mix of Psycho 6 and SynthCoke (with less than 3% of the normal Psycho dosage) that took advantage of these potentiated effects without always killing the user. The drug was not much safer than Psycho 1, but released to the streets of L.A. "Psycho Killer" got quite the rep as a nasty kick. It was originally released as "Killer" but was renamed to "Psycho Killer" by mexican gangers who recognized the Psycho effects and guessed at the source of the drug. Unfortunately for the labs and for the users (and fortunately for the efforst of law enforcement), Psycho Killer is mind-bogglingly difficult to synthesize properly without creating a nearly instantly deadly poison, and so is only rarely seen on the streets since 2015.
Working with this synergistic compound, Tupolev IG labs managed to turn out several variations of Psycho Killer until they struck pay dirt with what would become one of the world's first "Second Generation Combat Drugs", Psycho 13. The main advantage of Psycho 13 was the removal of the natural toxins in compoiund without damaging or losing the Active Principle, thus eliminating the clotting and bleeding problems associated with the drug, as well as the brain damage. Never the less, the Active Principle proved to still cause motor-function damage with prolonged use. Sales were still brisk as "Prolonged Use" was very rarely a problem for front line troops taking Psycho, and the addition of the stimulant was considered an excellent improvement by purchasers, while troops were more likely to use the drug voluntarily now that the toxins had been neutralized.
When Mexican Metals equipped their first Production Model ACPAs with Psycho 13 in the autodocs, they discovered it was incompatible with their standard stabilizing drug. They were forced to begin experimenting with alternate stabilizers and finally found one that worked in combination with Psycho in an "interesting" fashion. Now known as "Zombie", this mixture is a fairly effective stabilizer (+3 on death saves), and the subjects experience all the "benefits" of psycho (immunity to pain, aggressive behaviour, heightened reflexes), but few subjects actually survived the experience... "Zombie" was never used for ACPA troops, but it is still occasionally encountered with troops in a biomonitor-linked injection rig to get them back on their feet for five more minutes after a few good mortal wounds.
The move to a genuine "Third Generation" combat drug was a lot slower, as most buyers weren't interested in footing the expense to research "clean" combat drugs (those not causing nervous system damage), since they didn't expect much in the way of repeated use or prolonged exposure among their troops and security forces. Those organizations that did have a use for such a "Third Generation" drug (Edgerunners, Mercenary Units, IPC, etc), didn't have the investment capital to promote the research.
It wasn't until 2019, and almost the very end of Tupolev's Psycho Project, that Psyho 24 was released. The second-ever "Third Generation" combat drug, Psycho 24 managed to survive the bad hype given to it by Psycho 1, Psycho Killer and Zombie to seel enough to mercenary units until the major military buyers took interest in it. They saw finally a combat drug that could be used repeatedly without the drug itself destroying the user, but then they decided against using it as their special forces and commando units needed their wits about them, and a drug that promoted mindless aggression would seriously reduce the life expectancy and success rates of the special forces teams. This was driven home after an unfortunate incident involving a Navy SEAL team. The Navy did, however, put out a memo indicating that they needed a similar drug that wouldn't trigger the mindless rage inherent in all current combat drugs.
The results of this line of research went into testing the next year. The first, Psycho 30, was a reversion to the Psycho 13 formula with a less "aggressive" stimulant base and the modification of the Active Principle of the Psycho involving the placement of a ketone group. The result ins't quite a fourth generation drug, and exists in a limbo between second and third generation. The final product was called Psycho X, the last production drug from Tupolev's Psycho Project. Psycho X uses a variation of the Psycho 24 formula with the same inversion of the Ketone group discovered for Psycho 30. This last drug was exactly what everyone was looking for, an effective combat drug without any of the standard debilitating side effects.
Mexican Psycho (Psycho 1) |
Mexican Psycho is a nasty, rough drug. It deadens pain and enhances reactions, but it's effects on the mind and body are deadly. Users injecting Psycho 1 gain +2 on stun saves, +4 to the Endurance skill, and +1 REF. They often have trouble concentrating or thinking of anything but the simplest, most violent answers to a problem. They are at -1 INT and TECH, and must make a successful COOL roll at -6 to avoid aggressive rage in any confrontation or in reaction to any setback. The toxins in the drug cause D6 damage to the user (no BTM) and often result in some internal bleeding, blood in the stool, cramps and occasional clotting. Towards the end of the hour rush the user must make a death save at -2 to avoid succumbing to the poisons, and if the user does manage to pull through, they lose 0.1 INT and 0.2 REF for every dose they have taken. (5 eb per dose)
Str:8 Cost:5eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Analgesic +2, Endurance +4, Speed +2
side Aggression +6, Clouded Thinking +2, Poisonous +2
after Death +2
cum Brain Degen +1, Nerve Degen +2
onset:4 seconds duration:1 hour
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho 6 |
Not much better in the long run or in immediate effects than Psycho 1, Psycho 6 at least doesn't have the tendency to kill the user on it's own. The analgesic effects are stronger (+4 stun saves, +4 endurance) and the rest is pretty much the same, although users claim to have slightly more control over the overwhelming flood of rage (+1 REF, -1 INT, -1 TEK, -4 Cool Checks for aggression). Although still poisonous (D6 damage upon administration), the new formula doesn't usually build up a lethal dose of toxins in the body as it runs it's course... But the nervous system still takes quite the beating (user loses 0.5 INT and 0.2 REF for each dose taken). (10 eb per dose)
Str:10 Cost:10eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Analgesic +4, Endurance +4, Speed +2
side Aggression +4, Clouded Thinking +2, Poisonous +2
cum Brain Degen +3, Nerve Degen +2
onset:4 seconds duration:1 hour
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho Killer |
The single nastiest of the Psycho's, Killer is an overdose waiting to happen. Cranked full of a stimulant, the user has an overwhelming ability to ignore damage (+6 stun saves, +4 endurance), faster reactions and stimulated mental state (+2 REF, +4 Awareness). It's side effects include Death (save at -3), clouded thinking (-1.5 INT and TEK - roll a d10 for each, even it's -1, odd it's -2), aggressive behaviour (Cool checks at -4 to avoid), D10 damage upon administration and gradual nervous system degeneration for those few who survive (loss of 0.5 INT and 0.2 REF per dose). (25 eb per dose)
Str:18 Cost:25eb/dose Dif:Impossible
main Analgesic +6, Endurance +4, Speed +4, Stimulant +4
side Aggression +4, Clouded Thinking +3, Poisonous +3, Death +3
cum Brain Degen +3, Nerve Degen +2
onset:9 seconds duration:10 min
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho 13 |
A much cleaner Psycho variant. At heart, it's still an analgesic and reaction booster (+4 stun saves, +2 endurance, +1 REF) and it still contains some stimulant base from Psycho Killer (+2 awareness), but the aggression is more controlled (-2 Cool for aggression checks, -1 INT, -1 TEK) and with the lack of pain and discomfort from the toxins, users generally feel better than anyone and able to take on the world (4HL, Egotism if using Grimm's CyberTales) while on the drug. Unforunately the after effects are more pronounced than with previous versions (-1 INT and TEK for 2D6 hours after the 30 minute trip) and there are still long-term side effects that are not advertised (loss of 0.2 REF and of 0.5 Humanity per dose taken - humanity loss is Egotism in Grimm's CyberTales). (25 eb per dose)
Str:10 Cost:25eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Analgesic +4, Endurance +2, Speed +2, Stimulant +2
side Aggression +2, Clouded Thinking +2, Egotism +4
after Clouded Thinking +2
cum Nerve Degen +2, Egotism +4
onset:4 seconds duration:30 min
detection:normal residue:normal
"Zombie" |
When injected into a target that has failed his death save or is about to make death saves, Zombie acts as a stabilizer, giving +3 on death saves. Otherwise it is typical of the bad Psycho variants, deadening all sensations of pain, enhancing reaction times and causing mindless aggression (+4 stun saves, GM records all damage instead of player, +1 REF, +2 Endurance, Aggression checks at -4, -2 INT and TEK). After it's 5 minute duration, users must make an unaided Death Save at -2 or keel over again. For those few who survive, there is a cumulative 0.2 REF loss per dose survived. (10 eb per dose)
Str:7 Cost:10eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Stabilizer +3, Endurance +2, Speed +2
side Aggression +4, Clouded Thinking +4, Analgesia +4
after Death +2
cum Nerve Degen +2
onset:2 seconds duration:5 min
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho 24 |
At heart, just a variant of Psycho 24 without the nervous system damage, or other major long term effects. Has all the benefits of Psycho 13(+4 stun saves, +2 endurance, +1 REF, +2 awareness), somewhat controllable aggressivion (-2 Cool for aggression checks, -1 INT, -1 TEK) . Users generally feel better than anyone and able to take on the world (4HL, Egotism if using Grimm's CyberTales) while on the drug. Unforunately the after effects are more pronounced than with original versions (-1 INT and TEK for 2D6 hours after the 30 minute trip) and there are still long-term side effects that are not advertised (loss of 0.5 Humanity per dose taken - humanity loss is Egotism in Grimm's CyberTales). (100 eb per dose)
Str:10 Cost:100eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Analgesic +4, Endurance +2, Speed +2, Stimulant +2
side Aggression +2, Clouded Thinking +2, Egotism +4
after Clouded Thinking +2
cum Egotism +4
onset:4 seconds duration:30 min
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho 30 |
Essentially Psycho 13 with the new ketone group, Psycho 30 is an analgesic reaction booster and stimulant(+4 stun saves, +2 endurance, +1 REF, +2 Awareness) causing some clouded thinking (-1 INT, -1 TEK) and with the lack of pain and discomfort from the toxins, users generally feel better than anyone and able to take on the world (4HL, Egotism if using Grimm's CyberTales) while on the drug. Unforunately the after effects are still as pronounced as Psycho 13 (-1 INT and TEK for 2D6 hours after the 30 minute trip) and there are still long-term side effects that are not advertised (loss of 0.2 REF and of 0.5 Humanity per dose taken - humanity loss is Egotism in Grimm's CyberTales). (50 eb per dose)
Str:10 Cost:50eb/dose Dif:Difficult
main Analgesic +4, Endurance +2, Speed +2, Stimulant +2
side Clouded Thinking +2, Egotism +4
after Clouded Thinking +2
cum Nerve Degen +2, Egotism +4
onset:4 seconds duration:30 min
detection:normal residue:normal
Psycho X (PsychoNaut) |
The first "fourth generation" combat drug from the Tupolev labs, and the last of the Psycho project line. Has the same effects as Psycho 24 without the aggressive tendencies. (+4 stun saves, +2 Endurance, +1 REF, +2 Awareness, -1 INT, -1 TEK, 4HL (egotism); -1 INT & TEK for 2D6 hours afterwards, 0.5HL (egotism) afterwards). This is the most sought after of the Psycho series, the only one of the batch that most edgerunners will touch. The other Psychos are most often encountered being used by NPCs or purchased accidentally by shady streetmerchants claiming it is Psycho X or PsychoNaut. (100eb per dose)
Str:10 Cost:100eb/dose Dif:V.Dif.
main Analgesic +4, Endurance +2, Speed +2, Stimulant +2
side Clouded Thinking +2, Egotism +4
after Clouded Thinking +2
cum Egotism +4
onset:4 seconds duration:30 min
detection:normal residue:normal