The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project
Traders in the
An alternate environment for CyberPunk 2020
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Original Traders article by DartBoard - Editing, Outlands, Additions and Art by Hound
Most metropolitan areas in the US are walled and heavily guarded against illegal entry. The security forces are fairly skilled and very well equipped for the job, and there is usually an AV full of MetalGeared troops just itchin' to blow a hole in some latino or illegal panzerjockey.
For cross-country traders get in y'need to have a thing called a TradersCard, either a plastic-card with a recording of your retinal print and SIN or one electronically recorded on yer Welfare-Chip. This allows you to take your goods round to a special depot (Traders Dept.) where they are checked fer approval (they screen yer stuff for hidden blackmarket wares and weaponry). If ya pass the inspection yer allowed to enter the city, or contact someone ta pick it up for ya.
Problemo the first: remember that if yer ferryin' goods from one side of "sort of America" to the other you`ve GOT to have a TradersCard. Y'see if you haven`t and you want to get yer goods into the city you`ve got ta go through Quarantine. This is a long, dehumanizing procedure where you and your goods are taken through a variety of dehumanizing screenings and and de-contaminations (the government to this day claims there are dangerous nano-viroids in the outlands and that this method is needed to keep the cities safe - in fact it is to discourage unsanctioned movement between cities and to keep tabs on everyone's comings and goings). You are then taken to a sort of lobby (like in an airport) where you sit around fer another couple of days. The whole process takes nearly a week and one experience is likely to make most people opt fer a TradersCard. Although it should be pointed out that this same system applies to anyone coming to a new city (see below for the civilian way around this, the TransitCard). Quarantine sucks.
To apply fer a TradersCard you must get in touch with Section 16. They will ask fer your name, address, SIN and other information. Once thats done yer request will be processed. If ya pass (you can be rejected if have a criminal record, were a cyberpsycho, are suspected for collaborating with the church or other insurrectionist groups, etc...) you will be sent a manual describing the trading procedures. To remember it you must make a Int test vs. Dif 12 everyday, once you`ve accomplished this 9 times you`ve remembered most of it. After 30 days of revising you will be asked to come down to Section 16`s office. There you will be asked for 10,000eb to apply. (Although most cities also have bondsmen or venture capitalists who are often willing to pay the fee for you - bondsmen require that you pay 1,000eb and they cover the rest with a 30% annual interest rate, Venture Capitalists will buy in for about 20% of your net income as a trader, if you can convince them with a successful Persuasion roll or a good business plan). You will then be taken to an examination hall and be tested on your knowledge of procedures and regulations, Int test Dif 16, take 1 off for everyday above 9 you revised the manual. If you pass congratulations you`ve got yourself a bona fide TradersCard! Now hit the road!
Problemo the Second: remember violations of the Traders regulations can be (and usually is) grounds fer havin' yer license revoked. And you lose immeadiately if your found ta be ferryin' black weapons or cyberware around.
Problemo the Third: Bandits - Wolves' Lives on the open road ain`t so sweet as you'd like ta believe. Out on the hot tarmac (asphault if yer Canadian/American) there bandits/wolves laying in wait. Who they are, what they want and what they drive is entirely up ta you. (There`s a rumour goin' round in my campaign that group of wolves got themselve`s an old surplus Apache 'chopper! Minus the vulcan cannons of course (I`m not THAT mean)). Wolves are generally ornery individuals who don`t give a gonks-ass whether yer cargo`s yours or not and will take it from you any which way they can, if it`s valuable enough. Wolf-Packs are generally 8-10 people who serve different roles. About 2/3`s of them are the bandits who hijack convoys an' the like, the rest serve as mechanics (though most drivers can handle simple tasks like that), medics and some even act as fixers, fer dealin' with other wolf-packs.
So where do the revered PanzerBoyz and PanzerGrrlz fit into this equation? It's not like you can honestly expect to make a living trying to smash through the walled cities with black market goods, neh? First off, many of the "Walled Cities" are actually best described as "Fenced Cities", surrounded by a well-marked electronic barrier. Vehicles crossing this barrier are considered to have "passed the wall" and are tagged by Central Data Processing for immediate Customs and Quarantine. Vehicles which do not stop immediately beyond this point at one of the checkpoints are treated as hostile. But this does still allow for PanzerBoyz and Grrls to pull the occasional rapid-drop delivery before heading back into the outlands - it also leaves smuggling options available by the oldest method - foot. A PanzerBoy or even a Traders Caravan carrying Black Market contraband can stop outside of these fenced cities and have residents come out to buy and sell goods which they then carry back into the city proper, thus circumventing the vehicle-triggered systems. This same system is also used in walled cities where people regularly work outside the walls (such as employees of the agricorps) who sometimes have an enclave on the outside where they trade for Black Market goods, or even normal goods at slightly cheaper prices from caravans that can't get a TraderCard for whatever reason.
Besides these workers with their DayPass cards and the TraderCards, TransitCards are the only other way in and out of a citywithout going through the decontamination procedures. A TransitCard is only available to corporate execs, government employees who need to travel and to those few who can prove to the government that they need to bne able to move between cities more than once a year. TransitCards are immediately refused to anyone who has ever received corporate welfare (see Expansion Set 2).