The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

Hi Dad, I'm Calling You From JAIL. I Like It Here!

These tables were adapted for our character generation system from the original article on spending time in prison and the IPC from Interface 1.1 - the actual final result bears little resemblance to the article in question, but does include a bunch of the possible side-effects of prison as they described it.

Each year in prison a character rolls 1d10 on the following table.

1-3Nothing Happens This Year
4-7Luck, Good or Bad
8-0Make A Friend or Enemy

Roll D20 + Luck. If the result is 19+ then you had good luck, otherwise you took a hit.
Good Luck (d8)
1You undergo Braindance Training. Get +2 to an INT or TECH based skill so you have a usefull skill in time for your release.
2Go back to school. Gain +2 to Education / General Knowledge or a Specific Knowledge skill.
3Hard Physical Training. Gain +2 to one of Endurance, Strength Feat, Athletics, Swimming, etc.
4One Year's Hard Labour. You work your ass off for a year breaking rock or working in one of the nasty physical jobs they shaft bad prisoners with. Gain +1 BOD or STR.
5You pick up a new vice. Gain +2 to one of Streetwise, Pharmaceuticals, Pick Locks, Pick Pocket, Gambling, Resist Torture/Drugs or Intimidate.
6Someone owes you a favor. He's on the outside now too.
7You learned of a weapons or equipment cache from someone else on the inside (probably left-overs from a heist). You collected it as soon as you were let out. D10x200eb value.
8Early Release, return to the normal Lifepath Table and roll again for this year.
Bad Luck (d8)
1Horribly Scarred either while being interrogated, punished, or in a fight or brawl inside the prison. -1 ATTR
2BrainBurned. You have been brainburned into not performing whatever it was that sent you to jail. Make a cool roll at -2 whenever you attempt to break this BrainBurn. If you fail you cannot break the conditioning.
3Ingrained Hatred of Authority Figures. (Make a cool roll at -2 to not freak when authority comes down on you or to attempt to deal with any authority figures in day to day activities such as security checks, etc)
4Hospitalized (for an injury or for some mental problems) for 1d10 months.
5Drug Addiction. You got hooked on something they've been smuggling inside and you addiction has followed you to the outside world.
6You were the subject of a tailored disease or chemical experiments without your knowledge or consent. (-1 REF or BOD)
7Serious Injury - you lost a limb. If you can pay for it from your starting funds you can replace it with a cyberlimb, otherwise you had one grafted to replace it - not necessarily of the right skin-tone, etc.
8Collect a Debt. You managed to pick up a sizeable debt this year (getting cigarettes, for bribing guards, maintaining your habbit, etc). You still owe D10x300eb to someone who can collect even on the outside.