Episode 2 - Rifles
This is meant to be a fairly exhaustive list of Rifles and Squad Automatic-style weapons manufactured by Heckler & Koch. Some variants may be missing, and some stats may seem somewhat out of whack... but that's how it goes. If you have material to add to this list, please e-mail me. The stats for the HK33 and G41 were based on weapons from the first edition CyberPunk's Friday Night FireFight rulebook, and the rest of the non-fiction weapons were extrapolated from there. The fictional guns are verbatim from the 2nd Edition CyberPunk books and supplements they are drawn from, and the G12 is converted here from Shadowrun.
Real Guns (pre 2000)

HK33E | RIF | +2 | N | C | 5.56N | 30 | 2/20 | ST | 400m |
The HK33 is the 5.56mm caliber rifle that has anchored the NATO caliber line. The military edition (used in many NATO countries in the 20th Century) is named the G3 and chambered in 7.62N. Weighing in at 8.4 pounds, and over 3 feet in length, this style of weapon is rapidly becoming a thing of the past as the world looks for ways to lighten an infantryman's load. The HK33E is the export model, most often seen in North America, the European version being the HK33.

HK33K | RIF | +1/+2 | L/N | C | 5.56N | 30 | 2/20 | ST | 400m |
Shortening the HK33E to the "K" variant basically involves a shorter barrel and replacing the fixed stock with the collapsing stock style seen on the MP5 line. The "K" signifies "Short" from the German "Kurz". While the barrel is shorter, the forearm length is still the same, allowing for identical sight placement on the 33K as the 33E.

HK53 | RIF | +0/+1 | L | C | 5.56N | 30 | 2/20 | ST | 300m |
Designed for entry team work in today's tactical environment, the HK53 is typically seen in the A3 variation with retractable stock. The forend length has been shortened drastically to that of the MP5 series, affording the operator with a submachine gun-sized weapon with 5.56N power.
HK33SG1 | RIF | +2 | N | R | 5.56N | 10 | 2/20 | ST | 500m |
A sniper variant of the 33 series, the SG1 is equipped standard with a 10 round magazine, but can use any magazine from the model 33 series, a light bipod, optical scope and adjustable cheekrest.
G41A2 | RIF | +2 | N | P | 5.56N | 30 | 2/25 | ST | 400m |
G41A3 | RIF | +1/+2 | L/N | P | 5.56N | 30 | 2/25 | ST | 400m |
The G41 was designed to compete directly with the M16A2. This model used standard M-16 magazines (not interchangeable with the model 33 magazines) and had a fold-down carrying handle. The A2 variant uses a fixed stock, while the A3 variant has the standard HK telescoping stock.
G36 | RIF | +2 | N | P | 5.56N | 30 | 20 | VR | 400m
G36K | RIF | +1/+2 | N | P | 5.56N | 30 | 20 | VR | 400m
MG36E | RIF | +2 | N | P | 5.56N | 30/100 | 20 | VR | 400m | | |
The G36 was the new German military rifle developed by HK in and adopted by the German military in 1997. All models have folding stocks (that do nothing for their concealability) and carrying handles. The G36K is an export model with 1.5x optical sight, while the German military variant (the G36) has a 3x optical sight and electronic red dot sight. The MG36E has a heavy barrel (heat resistant barrel per the CP2020 rules), folding stock, folding bipod and can be equipped with the 100 round C-Mag.
HK23E | HVY | +1 | N | C | 5.56N | Belt | 25 | ST | 400m |
The HK23E was designed as a squad automatic weapon, firing 5.56N ammo from the same disintegrating metallic link belts used by the M249 system. Weighing in at 19.18 pounds with the bipod, the weapon is over 40 inches long with a fixed stock.
HK13E | HVY | +1 | N | P | 5.56N | 30 | 20 | ST | 400m |
The HK13E is a modified HK23E, with a different bolt group and with a box magazine adapter. It can use standard HK33 series magazines or M16 magazines with an adapter.

HKG11 | RIF | +2 | N | R | 4.7CL | 45 | 35 | ST | 400m |
The first HK firing caseless ammunition was called the G11 and was chambered in the proprietary 4.73 x 33mm round. A version was made for US military tests as the HK ACR. The weapon was a unique first step towards caseless assault weapons.

G3 | RIF | +2 | N | C | 7.62N | 30 | 20 | ST | 400m |
G3K | RIF | +0/+1 | N | C | 7.62N | 30 | 20 | ST | 400m |
The NATO battle rifle since World War 2, the G3 is an HK33 chambered in the 7.62 NATO round. A true "Battle Rifle", weighing in at just under 10 pounds and over 30 inches in length, the G3 has moved on as the world's militaries started looking for lighter weapons for the infantry. The K variant has a shorter barrel and forend as well as being equipped with the HK collapsable stock.
G3SG1 | RIF | +2 | N | P | 7.62N | 10 | 20 | ST | 600m |
One of the premier "sniper/marksman" tactical rifles of it's day, the SG1 featured a factory tested accurate barrel, set trigger, tennifer hardened receiver to add rigidity, light bipod, cheekrest and a claw mount with scope. Usually packaged in a green wooden case
HK11E | HVY | +1 | N | P | 7.62N | 30/50 | 20 | ST | 400m |
The HK11E was a squad support weapon or light machine gun, feeding 7.62NATO ammunition from any of the HK 7.62 caliber box magazines or from it's own special 50 round drum magazine. The HK11E uses a quick change barrel and heavy bipod.

HK21E | HVY | +1 | N | P | 7.62N | Belt | 25 | ST | 400m |
The HK21E was a general purpose light machine gun (GPLMG) used by some european armies. It came with a quick change barrel and heavy bipod, and used metallic non-disintegrating DM1 belts, or it could be ordered with a feed mechanism to allow it to use M60/DM6 standard disintegrating metallic link belts.
Fictional Guns (2000 - 2020)
HK77UK | RIF | +1 | L | P | 9mmLong | 30 | 3/30 | VR | 250m | 750eb |
A new assault carbine in use by private military units worldwide. HK's British subsidiary has installed the latest n collapsing stocks and auto-stabilizers, making it more accurate than most competitors. There's a wide range of attachments available: Militech's 25mm Mini-GL, a full-spectrum electronic sight for use with SmartGoggles (600eb), ad integral suppressor system (200eb, WA:0), and an extended 45 round U-drum magazine (60eb). [Solo Of Fortune 2]
HK G-6 | HVY | +1 | N | P | 6mmCL | 100 | 30 | VR | 450m | 2,050eb |
In 2018, HK decided to build a squad heavy weapon based upon the G11/12 rotating bolt system. The caseless 6mm round is accurate out to 900 meters and the 100 grain bullet as a steel core to defeat body armor. A gunner normally carries eight 100 round magazines. This light machinegun has full smartlink interface and an integral 2x scope with Cyberoptic triangulation and IR. [Chromebook 1]
HK G12A3Z | RIF | +2 | N | R | 6mmCL | 50 | 2/20 | VR | 400m | 2,200eb |
Precursor to the G6 MG, The G12A3z was the next logical step from the G11. Improving on the best characteristics of the G11, the G12 is lighter, less bulky, and equipped with integral laser sight (+1 WA included above), gas venting (+1 WA full auto) and telescoping shoulder-stock. It fires the same 6mm rounds as the G6. [Street Samurai Catalog]
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