The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

Firearms Archive Pg 4
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Mutant Chronicles Weapons

Mattel Intimidator 2
Matel Intimidator

PST 0 J E 9mm 14 2 UR $80

Perhaps one of the most irritating polymer one-shots in existance; the action in this gun is wrapped in a cheap, oversized plastic frame. Fire more than 3 shots in 10 seconds (3 rounds) and the plastic usually melts (60% chance, gun jams permanently). What's worse, there's a speaker arrangement mounted under the barrel that amplifies and repeats the guns report each time it fires, making it sound like several very loud rounds have just been fired. The speaker will also supplement this cacoffony with several gung-ho shouts, like 'Fire!', 'Drop the Gun!' 'Dead or Alive, Yer Coming with me!' and 'Don't Move!'.
This gun was originally designed by Chris D. Lupton and is sold through his Redneck Rifles franchises.

Kendachi MonoGun

MEL +1 J P 2D6 VR $350
PST -3 J P 10mm 1 1 UR

New from Kendachi! A Classic Kendachi Monoblade mounted into a one-shot deringer-style 10mm! Because of the incredibly short barrel of the gun, the slug only has a range of 10m, but still packs quite the surprise punch!

Constitution Arms SB12 Assault Shotgun

SHG -1 N P 12g 24 10 $900

The gun that brought Constitution Arms onto the street. One of the first publically available assault-shotguns, the SB12 (StormBringer) caught the world's eye and even Arasaka stood up and took notice (the Arasaka WCAA is very much a refined version of the CA SB12).

Vigilant ETE StrikeGun

PST +1 J R 9mmETE 21 2 ST $965

Vigilant's return to the firearms scene this year is with the StrikeGun, one of the first Electrothermic factory autopistols to see production to date. The innovative design places the batteries in the grip of the gun, and a magazine of 9mm ETE Cased ammo behind it. The odd design is once again a Vigilant classic, but has been found to interfere in drawing the gun (additional -2 accuracy penalty when drawn).
Vigilant StrikeGun

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Mutant Chronicles Weapons