Gun Laws in 2020

Guns are good, guns are great. Nothing gives you a better intimidation bonus than a well-handled H&K SmartGun. Yay guns. They're sexy. They're Chrome-on-Black attitude. They make you look so cool, shootin' from the hip like some penile-deficient StormTrooper. Heck, sometimes they even drop yer enemies, friends or neighbours (Slayne, stop shooting the nice AV!). But for some reason, NCPD ain't so impressed with your character carrying 'em!

Traditional 2020 Armament Laws
(Protect & Serve, CP2020)
According to the Federal Weapons Statute of 1999, American Citizens can purchase a "carry" permit for 25eb. The permit has a 4 day waiting period whence it can be refused on the basis of a criminal record or history of mental illness. This permit allows handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and knives no longer than 18" to be carried for personal defense.

The permit-holder must then have all weapons registered under his or her name etched with a serial number and it's ballistics firing pattern registered with the FBI/CIA central reference system in Washington DC.

Permit Laws themselves vary between municipalities, and many officers use the Weapon Laws of their district as a catch-all to run in "undesirables" and suspected go-gangers.

People found carrying weapons not covered by the Federal Weapons Statute or people carrying without a proper or valid license are commiting a Priority-5 Crime, with fines of 100 to 1000eb and/or 1 Month to 10 Years in a Low Security Block. (Minimum sentence for possession of fully automatic weapons carries a minimum sentence of 5 to 7 years.)

By the same Statute, if a gun registered in your name is used in the commission of a crime, you are liable for that crime unless you have reported the weapon lost or stolen.

By the same measure, possession of illegal cyberware carries a fine of 100 to 500eb and/or 1 month to 1 year in Low Security.

Use of illegal cyberwar is a Priority-2 offense, punishable with removal of cyberware and up to 1 year in High Security and Personality Adjustment.

Sale of restricted Weaponry, Explosives and Illegal Cyberware is also a Priority-2 offense punishable by 3 to 12 Years in High Security Block.

And if you are spotted running around with a full-auto piece with support gear, don't expect the cops to ask for your permit in a nice manner. And if they first see you using it, no matter who it's on, the questions will only come after they gun you to the ground, gonk.

BAMA Weapons Statute of 2018
(Boston-Atlanta Metropolitan Axis)
Due to the ease of travel along the BAMA Rapid Transit MagLevs, weaponry introduced anywhere along the metropolitan axis quickly made it's way into other metrozones. Finally in 2018 the various metrozones along the axis collected together and passed a uniform Weapons Statute, requiring a very striated licensing system for weapon possession.

Permit levels are:
  • MFP - Military FirePower - Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Explosive and specialized ammo loads.
  • EF - Excessive Force - SMGs, Rifles & Shotguns in city limits, AP munitions, swords.
  • LF - Lethal Force - Handguns, Hollowpoint Ammo Loads.
  • MF - Moderate Force - Medium Handguns, 18" knives, Standard Ammo Loads.
  • NF - Null-Force - Light Handguns, Rubber Ammo, Tasers.
Each permit level exists in a /c and non-c version. /c editions allow for concealed carry of the weapon level listed and below, while non-c versions allow for concealed carry of weapons of the levels below the level listed, but not for weapons of the permit level.

Standard citizens can get a LF/c permit (Lethal Force, concealed) if they can pass a background check and produce a 100eb licensing fee. Citizens with minor mental disorders or minor criminal records can only apply up to a LF permit, allowing concealed carry only of MF weapons or lower. Criminals and the suspected CyberPsycho can obtain MF permits, with no concealment options. NF/c permits are held for repeat offenders and recovered CyberPsychos.

Licensed Bounty Hunters and Police Officers carry EF permits, allowing concealed carry of LF weapons and unconcealed carry of EF weaponry. MaxTac is equipped with MFP permits.

CorpSec are issued +1 permits on their property, with +2 level permits issued to corporate response teams. Likewise all permits are reduced 1 to 3 levels in MallPlexes and Arcologies, depending on the individual environment.