"Flipper Is Dead, The UK CyberPunk ThinkTank" has contributed many new items and articles to the BlackHammer CyberPunk Project. From their famous Firearms Creation Rules (for handguns, subguns and rifles) & overkill Ammunition Listings, to alternate rules for initiative and combat procedure. Thanks to Chopper Chopper, these items are available to you through the BlackHammer Project.
All these documents have been converted to HTML by M Jason Parent, hound@ambient.on.ca
About the FID CyberPunk ThinkTank
- Who is FID? Why "Flipper Is Dead"? Find it all out here, along with the official FID Role-Call.
FID Small Arms Specialist Ammunition Types
- A comprehensive, if not overkill, list of 87 types of small arms munitions. From explosives to armor piercing and special-duty loads, if you can shoot it from a gun, you can find it here.
FID Shotgun Specialist Ammunition Types
- A huge list of 26 types of ammunition for use in shotguns, with rules governing their use under the CP2020 system as well as the Hardwired system of handling shotgun hits.
FID Handgun Design System (Javascript Calculator)
- The world-famous Flipper Is Dead weapon design system. This version is a major re-write from the original system as seen on the FTP site. These rules cover handguns and machine pistols. Revised in November 1998.
FID Overkill Handgun Design System
- Part two of the handgun creation rules, these rules cover the design of handguns chambered in rifle calibers. Revised in November 1998.
FID Rifle Design System (Javascript Calculator)
- Part three of the FID weapon design system, these rules cover the design of rifles, assault rifles and large SMGs. Revised in November 1998.
FID Shotgun Design System
- Part four of the FID weapon design system, these rules cover the design of shotguns of all shapes, feeds and sizes. Revised in November 1998.
FID GunToy Catalog
- An exhaustive listing of things you can put on, under, in front of, behind or inside your gun. Accessorize to your munchkin heart's content!
FID MicroMissile Rules
- Rules for 18mm Smart MicroMissiles, Tracking/Sensor systems, launchers and warheads... The cutting edge of Smart Weapon Tech.
FID Taser Rules
- Rules for tasers, with delivery methods, killer and stun tasers and a selection of sample weapons and armour.
FID Rifle Grenade Rules
- Rules for use and types of Rifle Grenades and other muzzle mounted weapon devices.
FID Initiative System
- A set of initiative modifiers based on a character's Cool and Empathy.. Makes cool, low-empathy characters into combat horrors. Beware the CyberPsycho!
- The musings of FID Chopper on the nature of monowire...
FID CyberWare Catalog
- A high tech , high spec cybernetics list (almost a catalogue) from Chopper Chopper. The final word in enhancements.
FID Cybernetic Armour
- The armour supplement for the FID CyberWare Catalog, detailing the varieties of skinweaves and subdermal armours of the FID games.
FID Cosmetic Alterations
- Permanent cosmetic enhancements, a supplement to the FID CyberWare Catalog! Plastic Surgery and You!
FID CyberWeapons
- The implanted weaponry addendum to the FID CyberWare Catalog.
FID CyberOptics & Options
- The definitive listing of cyberoptics and optic options from FID. An addition to the CyberWare listing