Dosages, Overdoses & Drug Strength | Mixing Drugs Effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect (from 1 to 6)
Side Effects Side effects are negative effects that occur while the drug's primary effects are also underway. The effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect.
After Effects After effects are negative effects that occur after the drug duration is over and then last for 2D6 hours. The effect multiplier is multiplied by the strength of the effect.
Cummulative Effects Cumulative Effects take place after the primary effects are worn off, but have a permanent duration. The strength of the effect indicates how large of a penalty is instated, and each time the drug is taken, this number is added to.
Onset Time and Duration This is the amount of time that passes from intake of the drug to the effects taking place, which will then occur for the duration.
Special - Detection and Residue most drugs just ignore these modifiers. These affect the ease of detecting when someone is on a drug (dilated pupils, enhanced blush response, rapid breathing, change in voice or demeanor) as well as the ability to find residue of the drug after it's effects are over inside the blood and tissues of the user.
Difficulty of Production To calculate the difficulty you have to add all the numbers from the drug creation process, pretending that all negative numbers are positive. This will produce a relatively large number for most drugs. Then compare this number to the following table to figure the difficulty to manufacture the drug in question.