Artistic (Four point edge)
You have an artistic flair and drawing or painting comes naturally to you. You gain +2 to any drawing or graphics related skill.

Brain Lock (Two point flaw)
You have been caught and convicted of a minor offence. Typical offenses include car theft, tax fraud or a mugging. You have had personality correction and are now uneasy when reoffending.
Indeed, you almost suffer a phobia about being caught.  When reoffending you must make a difficult [20] willpower roll. It gets easier as time goes, each time you succeed lowers the difficulty by a point. Common brain locks prevent drug use, firearms, computer hacking, speeding or sexual activities.

Calculator (Two point edge)
You have an excellent grasp of mental arithmetic. You can do sums quicker than it takes to use a calculator and make headway through calculus given pen and paper. You have +2 to maths-type

Code of Honour (Varies)
You have a personal code of ethics and live up to them to the letter. Breaking your code requires an average willpower roll. If under coercion (drugs or otherwise), you gain +4 to resist orders (if applicable).

Ganger: (Two point flaw)

Dealer: (Two point flaw)

Corporate: (Four point flaw)

Cop: (Four point flaw)

Decker: (Two point flaw)

Code Breaker (Four point edge)
You have the sort of mind that loves puzzles. You will sit for hours grinding down the enigma problem from World Scientist. When trying to crack a code, including ICE, you gain a +2 bonus.

Compulsion (Varies)
You have a compulsion to perform a certain act. It could be to collect a trophy of a defeated enemy; steal (kleptomania); gamble or leave your signature. Whatever it is, it will be carried out at all times! A two point compulsion may be resisted on an average willpower roll. However, a four point flaw is harder to resist, requiring a difficult willpower roll.

Computer Affinity (Six point edge)
You were born with a joystick in your hand and you have an natural knack for knowing what command to use. This edge gives you +2 in two of the following: decking, programming, computer use or intrusion.

Concentration (Two point edge)
You have the penchant to shut out annoying distractions and concentrate hard on what you are doing. You may ignore penalties from distractions and halve penalties from pain.

Cool Pilot (Two point edge)
You have an affinity with aircraft and find piloting them easy and great fun. You gain +2 to tests from one of the following aircraft types: aerodynes, helicopters, fixed wing craft or spaceplanes.

Dark Secret (Varies)
You have a dark and hideous secret (I don't mean owning a pair of chrome circuit pattern flares). You cannot even consider the secret coming out and will do your upmost to keep things under
wraps. If the truth should be discovered, the severity of secret affects the flaw's value.

During the game, there is a chance per senario that the secret could be revealed. You must bribe, give into blackmail, intimidate or worse to keep things unrevealed. The chance of such a situation is normally 1 in 10. However, a 3 in 10 chance adds a further flaw point, while a 6 in 10 chance increases the flaw by two more points. As with other shady parts of your background, you are at the sadisdic whim of your referee.

Excellent Memory (Four+ point edge)
Your memory is almost editic and you can remember virtually anything (most of the time). You gain +2 in the memory skill, which is knowledge based. Any time you wish to recall a face, place, clue or name, you must make a roll.

An eight point version of this edge means you gain the above advantages, and -20% to experience costs of any knowledge or tech based skill.

Engineer (Six point edge)
Your technical skills are second to none as you have an innate grasp of all things mechanical. Gain +2 to any single mechanical or technical skill.

Fetish (Two+ point flaw)
You have a sexual fetish that differs from the rest of the normal population. Being gay is not a fetish! You could be a rubber maid; a TV who likes being out en femme or a slave mistress.

A two point flaw means you have chosen to keep your secret to yourself or told a trusted friend. If you are and someone finds out you will be very embarrassed.

A four point flaw version means that you are well and truly out. You think nothing of rubbering up for a trip down town!

Modern people are fairly open minded, but there are still plenty of bigots. You are likely to suffer penalties to social tests in some circumstances.

Flashbacks (Two+ point flaw)
You have had a very BAD experience, probably through trauma or perhaps from drugs. You can drift off at any time, but stress increases the chances. Normally, an easy willpower test will prevent any problems, however very stressful situations will require an average or maybe even a difficult willpower roll.

Besides picking the nature of the flashback, you should also choose the trigger. Legal triggers include gun fights, trips into the net, failing a horror or fright check, explosions, being badly wounded, etc.

Forgetful (Two point flaw)
You find remembering things difficult, it is so much easier to watch the world go by. You suffer a -4 penalty to any technical or knowledge based skill unless you are directly envolved in it. You may forget that your car keys, cashcard or gun in some instances (make an average intelligence roll).

Fearful (Two point flaw)
You are not a coward but are easily frightened. Threatening people are bad enough, while firefights terrify you. You suffer a -2 penalty to resisting intimidation attempts and horror checks. Very fearful people have a -4 penalty. but that is a four point flaw.

Illiterate (Two point flaw)
You cannot read or write. Perhaps you are dyslexic or you were never actually taught. Although you may be able to speak fluently, your language skills are restricted to +6 until you learn to read and write (or your dyslexia is treated).

Intolerant (Four point flaw)
You are a bigot and strongly dislike certain "types" of people; a particular group (a religion, ethnic group, gang or company); or everyday occurance (drugs, traffic).   Anyone from the above groups are completely beyond redemption in your eyes.

When you encounter your target of hatred, you must make a make a difficult [20] willpower roll to maintain your manners (if you have any). No matter what the roll, your social skill totals are halved. The subject of your hostility will pick up on your attitude, so they may act less friendly to your associates.

Linguistic (Six point edge)
You a natural flair for languages. After a few days you can ask for the basics (food and shelter). You require 20% less experience points to learn a langauge.

Nightmares (Two point flaw)
You suffer very vivid and horrific nightmares due to some past trauma - or perhaps you're just one of the lucky few, eh?. As you slip into sleep, your nightmare slowly rises from within your subconsciousness. 

Every night there is a 2 in 10 chance of a nightmare occurring. If you do have a nightmare you will sleep very badly and will have a -1 penalty to all tasks for D4 hours.

Paranoid (Two point flaw)
You suffer from mild paranoia and believe that someone is out to get you. You can spin conspiracy theories from just getting a parking ticket. You are very careful not to leave any possible edges for your enemies - or friends - to find out.

A four point flaw means that you will hallucinate on a failed perception test (1/10 chance?). You might see snipers; black shadow 'copters, or agents reporting on you whereabouts.

Phobia (Two+ point flaw)
This something scares you. Perhaps it is the dark, crowds, death or something completely unfounded. Phobias range from mild to major. Although the fear ratings given here may look odd, there are plenty of modifiers your ref can use to up the values. Phobias are rated as mild or major, and the flaw point cost will vary depending on the severity of the phobia and how common it is.

Mild phobias are not so crippling, they are something you fear and would dislike being near, but mostly you can knuckle down and face them. A mild phobia is a normally a two point flaw and requires an average willpower roll. A mild phobia of heights, means you could go onto the roof, IF you can force yourself to. However, you will have a -2 penalty to all tasks due to fear. Additionally, you must make a willpower test every ten minutes, or you will leave the area that is distressing you.

Major phobias require a difficult willpower roll and are often a four point flaw. Typically, you will not approach an area or person/object that causes you fear. If you are forced to approach, you can make a difficult willpower roll to comply. However, repeated checks every ten minutes are required, or you will leave as above.

Common Phobias: Phobias and the costs are listed below. The values in brackets are the costs for a mild and then a major form of the phobia.

Promise (Varies)
You have vowed to yourself that you will, or will not, perform a certain deed. It could be trival, like never take drugs, or it could be something dangerous, like swearing revenge on a corporation! Whatever it is, you must complete this compulsion at all times. Nothing stops you, and you must make a difficult [20] willpower roll to force yourself otherwise.

Light Sleeper (Two point edge)
You sleep very lightly and find it easy to get by on just a few hours a day. "Next door" often keeps you awake, but you can get by on a few hours or so. Should anyone, or anything, try sneaking around while you are asleep, you are allowed a perception roll but at -4 (compared to the normal -10).

Saver (Four point flaw)
Unlike the carefree shopaholic, you like to keep big reserves kept back just in case a major bill comes up. You always save you money, you are not a scrooge, just not a throwaway. You must make an average [15] willpower roll to splash out on anything that is not absolutely necessary. Vital purchases are rent, food and new clothes (occasionally).

Sexual Hangup (Two+ point flaw)
Your sexual nature is not what it could be, you could just be afraid of sex or perhaps you have a more serious problem. Being afraid of sex means that you will avoid sexual contact, even though you really love your partner. This is a one point flaw. If you fail an average [15] willpower roll, you will attempt to leave or brush off the encounter.

A two point flaw means you have a more serious psychological problem; for men you are impotent and for women you have vaginismus. Because of your problem you cannot physically have sex. No willpower rolls can save you, only therapy or a very understanding lover. (the above "impotentcy", this is mentally based and surgery will not help).

Shopaholic (Four point flaw)
You are always spending money. Clothes, food, drink, drugs or the latest music video chip gobble up your money. You must make an average [15] willpower roll to save money. If you roll a 1 you spend D6 x 10% of your money and if you fumble you go on a massive spending spree and blow everything. Your overdraft charges could keep National Midland afloat alone.

Slow Learner (Eight point flaw)
You find things hard to learn. You may not be stupid but it takes you time to get an idea straight in your head. This flaw means that you require an extra 20% experience points for any skill.

Speech Impediment (Two+ point flaw)
Your have a lisp, stutter or other vocal problem. At one point your problem means you will never make the news, it gets worse during stressful situations and you have a -2 penalty to all speech related tests. Such problems include a stutter or very strong accent (even your fellow countrymen find it strong).

If you pick a two point flaw then your stutter is bad or you have some sort of mental/physical defect that really hinders speech. You suffer a -4 to all speech related communication. At high levels you sound like Max Headroom on speed.

Stylish (Four point edge)
You are one of the lucky few who not only knows what to wear, but looks seriously cool in it. You gain +2 to style rolls when wearing your favoured clothes (suits, scruff, leather gear etc).

Super Cool (Six point edge)
You make the Fonz look like geek-boy central. Not much can rattle you. You are fully aware of what you can cope with and what you cannot. You gain a +2 bonus when resisting horror checks and when resisting intimidation.

Superb Driver (Two point edge)
Your mum should never have given you that MPC Speedmaster game when you were young. You have excellent driving reflexes, which grant you +2 to all driving tests.

Uneducated (Ten point flaw)
Perhaps you are a slow learner, didn't pay attention in class or perhaps you never got to go. You must pay double for any skills found in the education background package or technical skills.

Vengeance (Four point flaw)
Someone has crossed you and perhaps cost you dear: killed your lover; wrecked your business or kicked the shit out of you. Whatever the cause, you have a score to settle.

Although this revenge does not play on your mind like a compulsion, you will not give up on the chance to get even. If you pass an average willpower roll you can resist plotting revenge. However, to resist offing them when you see them face to face, you must pass a difficult willpower roll. Oh, and if you fumble either roll, you must hunt them down (until you make another successful roll a day later).

Withdrawn (Two point flaw)
You are shy by nature and do not like crowds or being in the limelight. You have a -2 penalty to all mental and social tests when all eyes are upon you.