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Bioware is not as easy to install as cyberware. Cybernetics are quickly hooked into the host's CNS and can be anchored quickly to the body. Bioware implants need time to heal, but their advantage over cyberware, is that they are harder to detect and they heal. A broken cyberhand remains broken, a flesh and blood hand will recover.

Eyes and ears require complex surgery which costs $1000. This means a minimum of two days at a clinic. The surgery does D6+8 damage.

Limbs require very complex surgery which costs $2000. The process causes 2D4+10 point of damage.

Patients will not be able to use their transplants until all the damage has healed. This means they cannot see, hear or walk depending on what was replaced. Most clinics provide a reduced rate for recovery, unless the person has had heavy surgery.


O-type parts are grown in special vats. They are not cloned from the buyer, but from genetic stock that has very low rejection rates.


Generic ($1,200; IL 0)
Standard O type replacement arm.

Power Arm ($1,500; IL D2)
+1 STR per level in that arm (max level two).

Agile Arm ($2,000; IL D2)
+1 QUI per level in that limb only (max is +2).

Dextrous Hand ($1,000; IL 1)
+1 DEX in that hand per level (max is +2)


Genericp ($1,200; IL 0)
Standard O type replacement leg.

Power Leg ($1,500; IL D2)
Level 1 adds +1 STR. Level 2 gives +2 STR and +1 MOV if both legs replaced.

Agile Leg ($2,500; IL D2)
Level 1 adds +1 QUI to that leg. Level 2 adds +2 QUI and +1 MOV if both legs have been done.


Bioware eyes come in any normal colour and fashion colours are available (extra $100 for all black or reptile).

Some eyes have been improved so they have extra options. The options should be picked at purchase, as they are part of the eye, they are not installed.

Generic 20/20 $600 ; IL 0
Standard O type eye with 20/20 vision. Has the potiental for two extra options. More advanced eyes cost $150 per extra option (to a maximum of five options).

Super Sense $200 ; IL ½
Add +1 perception to all visual tests.

Light Amp $300 ; IL½
See in poor light; Up to 50m with street lights, or 4m in near total darkness.

Polarisation $350 ; IL ½
Not blinded on an END save. If blinded, recovery time is halved.

Telescopic $300+ ; IL 1
See x2 per level, each level costing $100. Add x1 per level, to a maximum of x10 (level 8).

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For any of the hearing mods to function fully, both inner ears should be replaced. An "ear" replaces the inner and outer ear. Just the inner ear costs $400.

Generic $600; IL 0
Basic O type ear with normal hearing.

Acute Hearing $300; IL½
+1 to all audio perception tests.

Level Dampen $300; IL ½
END save prevents deafness. Halve recovery time if temporarily deafened.

Good Balance $400; IL 1
Make an END save to avoid becoming dizzy. +2 to resist space sickness and +1 to acrobatics.

Sonic Range $400 ; IL 1
Hear sub/supersonic sounds (as dog). Add +1 audio perception in some instances.


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These are o-type clone parts built up with neo-muscle, redundant nerve & blood vessels and they have a toughened bones.

The statistics are set for that limb only. The stats are static and are not affected by any other implants. Genetic tailoring does not affect clinic or military bitek limbs.

The STR score will increase the host's MOV stat if both legs are replaced. Obviously, the set END stat means damage affect the bitek limb differently than the rest of the host.

Type Id Loss Cost Effects
Bitek Arm
Common 1 $2,000 END 11, STR 10
Clinic D3 £3,500 END 14, STR 14, +1 vs pain
Military D6 $6,000 END 18, STR 18, +2 vs pain

Bitek Leg

Common 1 $2,000 STR 10
Clinic D3 $3,500 END 14, STR 14, +1 vs pain
Military D6 $6,000 END 18, STR 18, +2 vs pain

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Agile $1,000 ; IL D2
The replacement has superb mobility, add +1 QUI with this limb.

Armouring Varies ; IL D4/Rtg
This is only available for bitek bought from black clinics or the military. SDP damage is recovered at the normal healing rate. Level one grants 2/2 AP with 200 SDP and costs is $500. Level two costs $1,000 and grants 4/4 AP and 400 SDP.

Boneblade $1200 ; IL 2D4
This is a bone which extends out of a toughened pocket in the forearm. It serrated edge does 4D6 damage and has +3 OFF, +2 DEF, and -1 AM. It is fully retractable and extends up eight inches from the top of the wrist.

Claws $800 (fixed); IL 2D4 or $1000 (concealed) IL D4
Sharpened claws mounted in the fingers. Normally, these replace the finger nails and reduce DEX by one point. Concealed claws are just as sharp, but retractable into the finger tips (the -1 DEX penalty applies when the claws are extended). Both do 2D6 damage, have +1 OFF and -1 AM.

Fastheal $500 ; IL 1
The limb's tissues heal quickly, increasing the healing rate by +1 in that location only.

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Backup Heart $1000 D3 IL
This is a smaller heart located in the chest close to the main heart. It is designed to keep blood circulating from the lungs to the brain, should the main heart stop functioning. This implant adds +2 to death saves by slowing the onset of brain death.

Bio-Weave $2000/Rtg D3 IL/Rtg
Microsurgery and NSMs weave strengthening materials into the host's muscular and skeletal structure. The artificial tissues are tougher than normal muscle and have more endurance. This adds +1 HT per rating (to a maximum of +2 HT).

Liver Biopump $1200 D3 IL
This specially designed organ filters the blood of toxins and excess collestral. It grants +2 to detox rolls, +1 healing and adds +1 HT.

Muscle Graft $1000/Rtg 2D4 IL/Rtg
These implants replace, or augment, existing muscles with powerful new artificial tissue. Level one gives +1 STR and +1 SIZ. Level two gives +1 HT, +2 STR and +2 SIZ (not cumulative with level one).

Threading $2000/Rtg D4/IL Rtg
NSMs implant resilient neo-muscle threads into the host's muscles. These increase strength, but do not alter the size or weight of the body. Increase strength by +1 per rating (max rating +2).

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Combat Threads $2,000 D2 IL/Rtg
NSMs thread in new pathways and nerve amps cutting signal travel times. Each rating adds +1 initiative per level, to a maximum of +4. At Level three, the host's quickness stat is increased by one point.

The implants take 2D4+4 days to heal properly and are inactive until that time. Combat threading is difficult to find (difficult [20] streetwise test) and it only compatible with Nitro CNS units.

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Bone Augmentation $5,000 D3 IL
Originally, this could only be done with toughbone overlays and NSMs, now this genemod makes the bones more resilient without invasive surgery.

END is increased by +1 and if the wearer has the threading implants, increase STR by +1.

Weight is increased by 10% and the wearer does not suffer from bone degeneration in low gee conditions. Calcium supplements must be taken daily for the first month.

Superspine $9,000 D4 IL
This implant replaces the wearer's spine with a tougher, yet more flexible version. The improved vertebrae give further protection to the spinal column.

This involves altering the host's ribcage, although this implant is not effective if any armour, bio or cyber, is implanted to the torso (except subskin). Torso muscle is genemodded to be rip-resistant, although first timers should still be cautious!

The package give increased mobility grants +2 to escape/dodge; +3 to acrobatics, athletics or zerobatics and +2 to escapology or contortion rolls. Endurance is boosted by +1 to the torso, neck and back.

The implantation requires very complex surgery and the patient will be unable to move until all the surgery has healed (2D4+12 damage).

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Subskin $1,500 D4 IL
Creates a resilient flexible layer underneath the skin on the torso and back. Grants 5/3 AP. Heals at 2 SDP per day (add any healing bonuses). This does not combine with Toughskin, it supplants it.

ToughSkin $1,500 D4 IL
Toughens skin without losing tactile or heat loss abilities. Grants 3/2 AP except on groin, hands, face and feet. Heals at 2 SDP per day (unless using speedheal drugs). The armour appears at a rate of two SDP per day.


This is a new technology which alters the host's genes, making the body replace existing tissue with the standards of the new genes. No surgery is involved.

However, tailoring is not cheap and $2,500 worth of tests must be completed before any programmes can begin. These require numerous tissue samples and the results take D4+4 days to arrive. Before this time, no work can, or will, be carried out.

Once the tests have been completed, the programme can begin. This begins with the injection of the desired genetic modification.

The customer must stay at the clinic for the first week. Should there be no complications, they may leave (5% chance plus 1% per cybersystem; complications mean a further week of observation).

After a further 2D3 days, the implant will have "taken" and the wearer's abilities will improve (that's 2D3 days per level!).

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With all the implants and technology around today, flesh and bone can be as easily modelled as clay (well, almost).

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You can blame who you like, but most of us are hung up about the way we look. Needless to say, there are plenty of people out there who can help you look younger, fitter, prettier.... you name it, someone can do it.

The appearance stat is ranked in steps from: vile; ugly; average; attractive and beautiful. You change appearance rating one step at a time and each step costs more and more.

# Steps Cost ($) Clinic Time Perception
One 1,000 Two weeks 15
Two 3,000 Four weeks 20
Three 6,000 Six weeks 25
Four 10,000 Eight weeks 30
Five 15,000 Ten weeks 35

Example: Jo has an average appearance, for her to become beautiful would take two steps; that will take four weeks in a clinic and cost her $3,000. Anyone who knew Jo, must make a difficult [20] perception roll to recognise the "new" Jo.

Please note the above includes recovery time and the fees to stay in a clinic (either a high street or good black clinic). Prices increase should the patient want high class accommodation (+50%).

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The perception heading on the table above, is the roll required to "spot" the person from who they were, to who the are now. That test should be modified depending on how well known the subject is. Perception, interview, or psychology skills could be used.

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Hair can be added, removed, permanently coloured, or set at a length for $500. Male pattern baldness only affects the poor and women never go grey.

Hair treatment takes the best part of a week, what with prepping and the grafts or cell implants being carried out. This includes head, facial and/or body hair.

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Height can be increased, or decreased by up to six inches. Up to three inches means a minium visit of two weeks.

Anything above that means paying an extra $2,000; four weeks in the clinic and no less than a step two biosculpt.

Mass can be increased with vat flesh implants, or removed with NSMs and or a laser knife (costs $500 per SIZ stat, minimum stay of a week). Muscles can be grafted on as per the bioware implants above.

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You can look exactly like someone else if you wish. You can find copycats in gangs or as doubles for important people, etc.

This costs the same as a step five biosculpt, ie: $15k and it takes ten weeks of work in a clinic.

Obviously, common sense should come into play here, as there is no way a 4'4" woman could become a 6'6" meatboy.

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A biosculpt can also change a person to look completely different. Pick a different ethnicity, hair and eye colour, height or weight.

Use the table under beautification, note the perception value to "spot" someone for who they were originally.

Breed are the ultimate bodmod creations, they will use almost any biodecor they can afford. Becoming a breed costs $6,000 and takes six weeks. That would give you odd looking skin, weird eyes and new (feral) teeth. Something truly original, or just way out, would cost more, probably $10,000 and would take eight weeks to finish.

Necs, or vamps, are always beautiful, but they have vampire-esq implants to complete their look. It costs at least $6,000 to look like a Nec.

Spotting someone who is now a Nec or Breed is a difficult [20] perception task.

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By law anyone changing appearance must contact the security services and update their SIN record. Failure to do this can result in a heft fine ($1,000 and upwards!), or in some countries, imprisonment (rarely, it costs to put someone inside).

Some people do risk it, though. Anyone on the run does not want to be found, so they will not update their records.

Finger prints can be blanked for $1,500, but only in black clinics. Retina patterns cannot be erased, but they can be altered by either having new eyes (!), or microsurgery ($2,000 and you're blind for a week).

It is possible to change someone's prints to match another persons. For fingers (and toes), that's a week at $4,000. While, for eyes, it's $6,000 and two weeks in the clinic (plus you're blind until the surgery is healed).

It is possible to change a person's voice, although their accent will remain. This takes a week and costs $2,000, but a cybernetic voice box is a better and cheaper option.

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Sex changes, or rather gender reassignment, is more common than in previous years. Whether this is just a biosculpt fashion, or a change in society's attitude, no one is sure.

There are basically, three groups who wish to alter their sex; transsexuals, who feel the are in the wrong body or who wish to swap sex temporarily (!); Asex, who don't want to be of either sex; and Trix who want to be both.

Asex have their sexual organs and characteristics removed, ie: breasts, hips, beard or adam's apple. This takes $6,000 and means being in the clinic for eight weeks.

Trix are a mix of both sexes, but are not true hermaphrodites. Their surgery is more expensive, costing $8,000 but takes only eight weeks.

Sex changes are more complicated. All changes include a basic biosculpt which leave the individual with an average appearance for their gender. If the person already looked "suitable", this default appearance could be amended (ref's discretion). Otherwise, the patient will need further cosmetic surgery (see beautiful people, above).

Spotting a sex-change is a difficult [20] perception roll. This will be modified if they observer knew the person before the switch and how the target is acting/appears.

Transsexuals can choose to:


The mid twenty-first century saw the first human clone born to a couple incapable of having children naturally. The technique effectively produced a copy of the girl's mother.

The knee-jerk reaction from most governments was a ban on clone research. Of course, not all governments banned research......

So far, no group has been able to accelerate the clone growth, as per the popular conception of a science fiction clone. You cannot just "grow yourself a new body", nor have copies of yourself complete with all your memories.

At present clones are effectively your twin, only separated by a generation.

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Advances in other areas have lead to a better understanding of tissue rejection; the human genome and the discovery of what is now called o-type tissue. That is, tissue that virtually no one will reject.

The shortage of o-type tissue pushed cloning research onward. It is now possible to just grow organs or limbs in special nutrient tanks. This was deemed considerably more acceptable than breeding human clones for spares.

Indeed, similar technology is used to create much of the food required using tank grown animal meat. Food scares, increased costs and massive demands forced the hand of both the public and suppliers. Eating an animal is very rare in this day and age; in some countries you can be arrested for it!

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The drive for artificial wombs was to increase the survival of premature babies. This was very successful and as with many things, the technology was put to other applications.

Artificial wombs are small fish tank-like systems filled with an oxygenated liquid and various artificial umbilicals (for food and waste products).

In rare cases these wombs have been used to grow babies totally in vitro. Some parents have had children from "tanks", but the costs involved make "natural" birth still very common.

Critically injured patients, burns victims, or those with a highly infectious disease, benefit from these womb tanks. Tissue transplants heal very quickly due to the tank's soup and sterile environment. The soup is a combination of nutrient caring liquid with anti-bacterial and anti-viral nanotechnology. A series of umbilicals deal with any bodily functions. In virtually all tanks, conscious patients are plugged into virtual reality, as being inside a tank can be too close to sensory depravation for some. It also makes it easier to communicate with the patient.

A spin off from artificial wombs was the development of the tissue tank. This is a sterile tissue friendly environment which is used to grow o-type or clone parts in.

Tanks can be anything from monitor sized, for eyes, fingers or testicles; up to large chest freezer like systems. These coffins are used to grow a batch of limbs or organs (including skin).

The space industry has expressed an interest in these tanks, with an eye to convert them for long term life support under heavy/low gee environments.

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Just because clone farming has been outlawed, this does not mean it does not go on.... allegedly.

Rumours circulate of the rich and powerful cloning their bodies; raising the clone in vitro to a suitable age; "dying" and transplanting their brain into the new body (effectively killing the original "owner").

Investigations have been carried out by Interpol and the Corporate Council, but nothing has come to light. There have been no obvious cases, nor public prosecutions. So this is evidence enough, to the conspiracy nuts at least, that it is going on.

But then they tell us that The Greys run REvolution and the net contains alien AIs trying to create cybernetic hybrids to infiltrate our power bases.