The BlackHammer CyberPunk Project

Dance is the music of the gods.
It is ministered to us through the turntable altar.
It is the key to the Spiritual Dance Experience.
I dream of The Day when all of Mother Earth's children
will open their hearts and their minds
to the Spiritual Dance Experience...
And I hope that, on The Day, all of Mother Earth's children
realize what the Spiritual Dance Experience
proves time and time again to be The Truth...

While we all know that neo-punk and thrash metal are going strong in 2020, we also have to live with the fact that dance music will continue to progress in some way or another.

So when that next Beaver Brat wanders by, he may well be listening to...

"Bubbly" techno and hardcore dance music run through a rapid on/off filter, with a background rhythmic soundscape that is not run through the filter. The end product is a harmonic soundscape with "strobing" music pulsing through and over it. Generally the BPM of Strobe is very high compared to most modern dance musics (around 150-220 BPM).
groups: ViroTek II, ShatterZone, Rapid X

Polynesian rhythms done with a "space organ" voice instead of drums. Usually accompanied by soft vocals and with electronic drum rhythms superimposed. Original "CrystalRhythms" were quite popular in the early 2010's, but several new labels have picked up the sound again in the 20's.
groups: Return to Rama, Ancient Paths, Warrior's Way

Indian traditional music meshed with punk-techno ferocity. The hard-core punk/techno stylings were popular in 2015, but since then KaliRhythms have been absorbed by a similar sound with insipid happy vocals for the 2020 MallBopper.
groups: MegaNora, Slotsip Xes, Return to Kali

Almost identical in style and concept to pre-collapse ambient tehcno. Chimeric music has been broken up into subgenres of Dark Chimeric (gothic, spooky ambient), Dub Chimeric (one of the few fields where vocals are accepted) and Chimeric Environ (soundscapes, usually 15+ minutes long).
groups: Dark Horizon, Shamanistic, Night Muse

The minister proceeds to the altar and, using the tools there delivers a sermon of beats...
A sermon which guides those who choose to listen on an ethereal sonic journey...
And those who are moved to move in the Spiritual Dance Experience... PEACE with themselves.
...with LOVE for themselves, and for those around them. UNITY with their surroundings.
...with RESPECT for individual differences that are necessary parts to a whole.
The Spiritual Dance Experience...
...the spirit of Dance.

Check out Chromatic Rock 2020

How does the future sound to you?
Send us your music concepts and they'll be added!