Original Content |
House rules, roles, skills, cyberpsychosis, character generation and official game eratta. (25 articles) |
Rules related to combat. Includes firearm damages, armour rules, hit locations, martial arts, explosives... (24 articles) |
From armoured clothing to ACPA, autonomous remote units to industrial hardware... (26 articles) |
New Cybernetic Enhancements. Bioware, CyberWare, CyberSkins and Prosthetic Options... (13 articles) |
Over 400 firearms for CyberPunk. Most articles are fully illustrated so you know all about your new toy. (18 articles) |
A selection of new vehicles designed using the MaxMetal rules, mostly illustrated... (15 articles) |
Pharmaceutical Technologies. Drug production, the drug scene and of course hundreds of new drugs... (10 articles) |
The Net. Rules for hacking, programming, glitches and viral infection. Plus new progs and decks... (10 articles) |
Characters. PCs and NPCs from all roles and games. Includes the virtual body bank... (17 articles) |
Flavour material, articles, game notes, humour, fan art and Adventures. The JackAttack e-zine... (34 articles) |
New places to go, campaign settings, corporations, adventures, conversions and maps... (15 articles) |
Homepage of the Flipper Is Dead UK CyberPunk ThinkTank. Custom rules for every campaign... (18 articles) |
Other Features |
Words From The Edge - the definitive CyberPunk message board of The BlackHammer Project & Cyberpunk.co.uk |
Non-HTML documents and programs useful to a CP2020 Game Master or player. |
Links to the best CyberPunk 2020 websites, webrings and discussion forums on the net... |
Production Credits and BlackHammer Project playtester information database... |
All about the BlackHammer CyberPunk Project. It's history, family and goals. |
Submission guidelines - what we want from you, what we will publish, how we will publish it. |
Listing of what is and what isn't approved for play in the BlackHammer Project games. |
A list of suggested books for you well-read CyberPunk GMs and Players alike. Some real jems. |
Some Polls about the game, the website, the gamers and the content. |
